
  • Focus on the locals
  • Focus on the students & researchers
  • Focus on the international students
  • Focus on the international researchers

Focus on the local communities

The first ever bird field  guide book in Malagasy language has been produced recently by MBA Members with the collaboration of local partner. It is entitled “Ny Vorontsika eto Madagasikara” – Our Birds in Madagascar. 

This is a real progress in term of conservation and awareness and will certainly bring very positive impacts as this book can be easily read and understood by the local population and well illustrated.

Guidebook of the birds of Madagascar

Focus on the local students & researchers

Due to the experiences of the founder members, we will be helping students  in the ornithology field to find funds for their researches and field studies. We are soliciting local and international donors to help us in that project.

Focus on the international students

Our expert members as well as the local students are able to assist and advise international students to pursue their goals and researches in Madagascar. MBA will be facilitating their stay and their field researches in terms of administrative papers and logistics. Volunteering programs are being developed by MBA. Contact us for further information.

Focus on the international researchers

MBA is in a perfect position to help  international researchers to accomplish their missions due to its large network and expertise over the fields of Madagascar. Details can be discussed with our team.


Launch of the Field-Guide book of the Birds of Madagascar at DLC Center, Anosy Antananarivo with honorable guests.

MBA Meeting
Introduction of the field-guide book of the Birds of Madagascar
Meeting of MBA
Pr Haja Rakotomanana - H.E Ambassador of the UK to Madagascar - Bruno Raveloson