Founded in June 2019, Madagascar Birding Association –MBA- was born by the initiative of the listed members below in order to actively participate in the protection of the Birds of Madagascar.
Registration number: 891/19-MID/SG/DGAT/DPID/ANT/ASSO
Head office:
145MB Mandrosoa Ivato
105 Antananarivo
Email: info@madagascarbirding.org

Madagascar Birding Association members with His Excellency Mr. Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Madagascar, Dr Phil Boyle at DLC Center, Anosy Antananarivo
- To promote the protection and preservation of Madagascar’s birds through education, awareness and popularization of knowledge.
- To be a reference in field of ornithology, for Madagascar.
- To develop the know-how of its members and partners on Madagascar bird watching and its conservation
- To promote the importance of birds on the natural and economic environment of Madagascar
- To promote exchanges between scientists, researchers and connoisseurs as well as between citizens.
- To promote exchanges with other national and international associations
- To encourage national and international bird watchers to come to Madagascar
- To encourage and assist researchers in the field of ornithology

Professor Doctor Hajanirina RAKOTOMANANA – Honorific President
He is a distinguished Professor Doctor Ornithologist – Department of Zoology and Animal Biodiversity – Faculty of Science at the University of Antananarivo.
Vice-President of the University of Antananarivo – Research and Innovation.
President of Full Professor Association in the Universities of Madagascar.
Chair person of the ATBC 2019 in Madagascar – (Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation )

Manda Razakavonison – President
Professional Birdwatcher and Tourism Expert.

Bruno Raveloson Andrianditsomalaza – Vice President
Active researcher at the University of Antananarivo and consultant for several conservation NGOs – Expert birder guide.

Dr. Rija Sylvain Rakotosoa – Chief Reseach Officer
Researcher at the University of Antananarivo. Specialist of forest birds and the reproduction of Vangas.

Active birder and management specialist.

Falimanjato Randriamandimby – Secretary
Field birder and analyst. Tourism expert.
Management specialist.

Dr. Andrianaivo Ravomiarana Ranaivosolo – Advisor
Entomologist – Zoologist et Biologic Anthropologist – Researcher at the University of Antananarivo